There once was a girl named Katie. Katie lived with her mom in the state of Texas. She and her mom bickered more often than not. Katie's dad on the other hand had moved away back when she was a baby to London, England to pursue a dental career there. Katie dreamed of living with her father and listening to the mesmerizing accents of all of the locals. The only issue was....Katie's mom would never allow her to move away....especially to a whole other country. As Katie grew older she began to act out more, yearning for her mother's attention. Her mother would think of as many punishments as possible. Taking her phone away, grounding her, and even the thought of sending her to boarding school. Katie feared all of these punishments, but there was one punishment that Katie was not prepared to hear. One day her mom got so angry she yelled "I will send you to live with your father!" In her mind Katie was ecstatic, but she could not let her mother know of that. She also wasn't quite sure if her mother was being serious, so she decided to play along."Why would you ever want to send me so far away" or "You never wanted me to live with. my father", Katie exclaimed. She slowly felt her dream of moving to a new country coming to life. Before she knew it her sly remarks we paying off because Katie was off to London. Little did her mom know that this was the best punishment Katie could have ever dreamed of! As Katie arrived in London and was welcomed with open arms by her father, she couldn't help but smile. Thanks to her smart thinking, she was now surrounded by a place she had only ever heard about over the phone.
Bibliography The Jataka Tales.Ellen C. Babbitt.How the Turtle Saved his Own Life
Author's note: I used the story How the Turtle Saved his Own Life from the Jataka Tales. I put my own twist on this story, in which in the original a King builds a pond for his sons to play in He filled it with fish and somehow a turtle appeared. The boys thought it was a demon and ordered it to be killed. The king's men planned many ways to kill it until one many suggested to throw it in the lake so it could drown. The turtle being the smart little thing that he was decided to play along. He asked why these people would do such a terrible thing to an innocent soul. So they threw him into the lake and little did they know but he lived a happy and long life.
HI Luda! I loved your story and how well you modernized the jataka How the Turtle Saved his Own Life. It took me a minute to realize which story you were retelling but it was greatly formed and took on a factor that made it more relatable. The desire for Katie to want to move and then being able to find her way towards making it happen is a great way to retell the story!
ReplyDeleteHi Luda, I just loved your story! It was so sweet and simple and had such a deep meaning attached to it! If something is meant to be, it will happen! I love how you portrayed the mother and daughter and their relationship. The description allowed me to envision the whole dynamics in my head! You did an amazing job!