After exploring this page I found some tips that not only are interesting but also are good to know for everyone when you find yourself writing. One of the topics mentioned that writing is never a waste of time and I found this to be quite true. Sometimes I feel like when I have to write something for a class it feels forced and it's often not my best work. In this point, the author says you don't always need to write for the public. With that being said I find myself writing the best and most insightful things when it comes down to writing my thoughts. I have so many pages in my notes about random days and how I felt on those days, and when I read them back I feel like I am back in those feelings. Another good tip made was to keep your dialogue in character. What this means is that when you are writing in dialogue to read it aloud to yourself in the tone you want to portray and it will help you stay in character and envision your story better. This is a good tip because often when writing in dialogue you can confuse your character with your actual self so this is good to keep in mind. Another good tip I found was to do the things you do because you have no choice. This one was especially interesting because some may think why to have this mentality; it would make your life and work a burden. On the contrary, if you had no need to do anything you wouldn't do it, so sometimes putting a little force can get the wheels turning and get things done quicker. Lastly, this point is a good point to always remember: you can't write and edit at the same time. I find myself trying to change things while I'm writing and then it messes us my whole thought process. It's smart to just sump everything out in your brain on paper then once you're done to look over and polish and make it prettier. Think about it like styling an outfit, you put clothes together, and then you put the outfit on and see the things it's missing or has too much of to make it better.
(Game of Thrones Writing Meme)
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