I chose to look back over the storybooks that initially caught my attention and recall why they in fact did catch my attention. Using that initial attraction made me want to further learning about these traditional stories and add my own style to them. My four possible topics to write my storybook over include:
- To Love and To Lose. This storybook attracted my attention because as I have mentioned many times before I find myself always drawn to anything that has to do with love. So initially the title is what grabbed my attention. I am not very familiar with any Indian epics so all of these are new to me. Another thing I like about this story is that not only does it have to do with love, but loss as well which adds drama. Adding drama to a story in my opinion keeps me a lot more engaged and I feel like I could put a fun twist on it. I am excited to learn more about how Hidimbi chose love over blood and how this broke her heart and caused her to lose everything. I am also interested in incorporating the animation as was used in this storybook and familiarizing myself with those types of things to keep my audience engaged.
- Goddess of Contagion. This storybook is also another one of interest to me because not only does it incorporate drama, but goddesses as well. I love reading about gods and goddesses so I found this one to be interesting. I also liked how in this storybook in particular the author found a way to put a twist on the pandemic going on right now. This gave me the inspiration to do something similar because I feel like with these tough times this topic is something that many can relate to and would be interested in reading about. I think taking a traditional story such as this one and putting it in terms of situations that are applicable to many is something that I really want to do this semester. As of right now, this story is my number one and I would like to create my own twist on it.
- Another Love Story. This again is another storybook that has to do with love so again to no one's surprise that is why I chose to dive deeper into it. This seemed to be a cheesy love story of a beautiful woman with good morals and a man who has the destiny to be great and powerful and how their worlds collided. That is exactly what I love and I was excited to learn more and add my own spin on this well-known outline of love stories. I think it would be so fun to take a cheesy love story and take a turn that many would not expect because it will keep many wondering and engaged in my story. I think that this story is also a front runner on something that I would like to do as my storybook project,
- Lastly, Harry Potter Meets Hindu Mythology. This comic stood out to me for different reasons than the others. I am a HUGE fan of Harry Potter and this made me want to take a story and see if I could change it up by including the characters of Harry Potter in it. This was super unique to me because I have not seen any stories like this and it really got me excited to want to create something similar. It fascinating how people can take a traditional Indian epic and incorporate something so different as Harry Potter in it. I feel like I could take any story and put this view on it and I think it would be different and all my Harry Potter lovers would really like to read about it as much as I would like to write about it.
(The Goddess of Contagion by Sandhya Kumari)
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